2nd concert, Rijssen (NL)

Well, I have just returned from Rijssen, it is now 01:45, and in a few hours we will drive to the airport to catch the plane to London. I think I can sleep for 5 hours or so….
The concert today was fun, but also heavy on my part. More than yesturday, I had some strugle with my sound and the monitoring, but it all turned out fine, I guess.
a lot of people showed up, and I think they had fun. We did!
After the show, Pieter Sabel, a reporter of the Dutch Slagwerkkrant, (a drummers magazine), did an interview with me, and took pictures of the concert. I’m honoured that this magazine had the interest in me, so I am looking foreward to the next ‘Slagwerkkrant’.
Tomorrow we will play in London, and I can’t wait! The first time for me to play in London! Actually it is the very first time, I will visit London, I only have been on the airport, changing planes… 🙂
Looking foreward to that! (London that is).
Sunday we have a day off, I’ll try to edit some of my drumcam-footage, and will put it online, as soon as I have internet connection (and be done with watching the final of the worldcup)
Well, I go and pack my bag now, not much time left.
See you all! London, here we come!